First Psychology Inverness – counselling | CBT | psychotherapy | coaching
13 Apr 2020

Lockdown webinar series - 1 How to de-stress and relax during lockdown

This webinar took place on Friday 17 April 2020, from 12-12.30pm BST.

The aim of the webinar was to help people improve their ability to cope with the additional stressors of lockdown by learning some simple cognitive-behavioural techniques.

Participants learned how to improve their activity planning and time management; prioritise tasks more effectively; challenge unhelpful thinking patterns; accept what they can't control; and develop relaxation skills. These techniques were provided to help lower stress levels and elevate mood during this unfamiliar time. 

Resources and links provided during this webinar

Webinar recording
If you didn't register prior to the event, you can do so now and watch the recording using the following link. If you registered, you will have been sent a link to view the recording. 
View the webinar recording


First Psychology's CBT Booklet (pdf)
First Psychology's Mindfulness Booklet (pdf)
First Psychology's Stress Booklet (pdf)

Sheets and other resources
The Worry Tree (pdf)
Unhelpful Thinking Habits (pdf)
Thought Challenging Worksheet (pdf)
Activity record (word document)


Our next webinar

The second webinar in the series is 'Resolving household conflict during lockdown'. Find out more