First Psychology Inverness – counselling | CBT | psychotherapy | coaching
07 Apr 2022

Webinar – Supporting Young People During Exam Season

This webinar took place on Thursday 28 April, 12-12.45 BST

Exam season can be a really overwhelming time for young people – and parents! We all want our children to do well but there is a difference between support and pressure.

This webinar explores how parents can support their children to develop good study habits while avoiding pressuring them into a more anxious state. We will look at some psychotherapy techniques that can help regulate anxiety, reduce pressure, improve concentration and motivation, and maintain wellbeing.

Webinar recording

If you didn't register prior to the event, the webinar recording can be viewed via this link. If you registered for the webinar, you will automatically receive a link to view the recording within 48 hours of the webinar.

Resources provided during this webinar


First Psychology's Booklets
